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Week of 11/3, "In celebration of Alpha Sigma Tau"

Chris Garnsey

Good evening Gentlemen!

This past week the Maryland Mu chapter did great things! On Tuesday afternoon, we presented a yellow rose to a delegation from Alpha Sigma Tau sorority, in celebration of their Founding Day in 1899! The yellow rose is their traditional sorority flower, and they were very excited to receive on from us. Later on Tuesday night, we defeated our opponents, Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, against all odds, with a plucky and ragtag group of Brothers and other friends. On Friday afternoon, we went out and cleaned up Main Street in town for a second week in a row, once again sponsored by Jeanniebird. We wrapped up the week tonight by holding elections, and here's the results:

Maryland Mu leaders:

Alumni Relations: José Osorio & Chris Garnsey

Eminent Chronicler: Ryan Riebling

Eminent Archon: Jose Osorio

Eminent Deputy Archon: Chris Garnsey

Fundraising, Volunteering, and Philanthropy: Jon Lingg

Health and Safety: Ryan Geary

Intramural Chair: Nik Schobitz

IFC Chair: Jose Osorio

Social Chair: Connor Norton

Herald: Alec Hedstrom

Member Educator: Zach Doherty

Recorder: Jon Lingg

Scholarship Chair: Connor Norton

Treasurer: Steven Bullock

Eminent Warden: Brendan Woody

Webmaster: Jose Osorio

IFC Representatives: Alec Hedstrom, Nik Schobitz, and Ryan Riebling


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